Our Social Mission Statement

Our Social Mission Statement

Our mission is dedicated to initiating the development of vibrant communities that spark excitement among new residents while honoring the legacy and needs of existing ones. Our mission centers on prioritizing the voices and well-being of current residents from the very beginning of the design process, thereby cultivating demand for thoughtful, socially responsible planning and design.

Core values:

  • Honoring Residents
    • This means putting existing residents first, which has a large impact on site selection and scheme design.
  • Integrity
    • We always act with integrity. We’d rather not undertake a project unless we are confident we can execute it with integrity and are assured that our partners can also act in this manner.
  • Sustainability
    • We consider the sustainability and environmental impact of projects from the outset, being mindful that the construction industry is a huge emitter of greenhouse gases.
  • Scale
    • We need to be ambitious to tackle the housing crisis. Where we can, we’ll consider how we can share resources and information to support others in the industry to make an impact.

Social Mission

At Making Places, we believe in enabling communities to co-design new places and are committed to doing that in a way that builds wealth for everyone involved. We strive to innovate in the urban regeneration sector by working with communities and harnessing technology for collaboration. Our purpose goes beyond profit to ensure we are lowering housing costs, and creating a fairer and more equitable future for all.